One of the best gifts you can give yourself this holiday season is an improved smile that you can be confident in. Even if you agree, you may be thinking, “I can’t complete all that dental work within the holiday season.” The truth is that you can! With the help of your cosmetic dentist in Fort Worth, we can make all your smile dreams come true!
Renee Corbitt's Blog
Your Cosmetic Dentist in Fort Worth Gives the Best Gift!
November 5, 2017
Get a Better Understanding of Sleep Apnea in Fort Worth
October 21, 2017
Do you have unsurmountable, unexplained fatigue? Do you get complaints of snoring loudly from your partner? If these symptoms resonate with you, you may have obstructive sleep apnea.
These symptoms may sound non-threatening, but the long-term consequences can be deadly! This blog post is for patients who may have sleep apnea in Fort Worth and need help understanding the best ways to treat it.
Sleep Apnea in Fort Worth Causing a Stir in the U.S.
September 5, 2017
If you snore excessively at night or wake frequently, you probably do not sleep soundly, which may be due to an underlying condition known as sleep apnea. This disorder is not only decreasing your quality of life, but creating quite the stir throughout the United States. It causes numerous interruptions in breathing frequently throughout the night as the air passages collapse, causing an obstruction. If you do not get treatment for sleep apnea in Fort Worth, you are not only compromising your quality of life, but your safety as well.
How Often Should I Visit My Family Dentist?
August 17, 2017
Dr. Renee Corbitt and her Fort Worth dental team would like to answer your question with another question, “Did you know that poor oral health in the US was called an epidemic during WWI?” It was! In fact, this serious issue kept countless potential soldiers from serving, and caused dentists to shift focus from repairing damage to preventing oral health issues. Tasked with fixing the dental health epidemic, dentists at the time determined visiting the dentist regularly, twice a year, was the best way to improve the nation’s oral health. Today, research findings from the American Dental Association have confirmed this initial suggestion, and more patients than ever are able to maintain a whole, flawless smile for life. If you want to keep your family smiling year after year, we encourage visiting our team at least every six months. Whether you’ve always kept up with your regular appointments or it’s been more than a decade since your last dental exam, our supportive family dentist and team are here to help. Call to schedule an appointment for yourself and every member of your family. Our Forth Worth dental office welcomes patients from all surrounding communities.
Help! My Child Fears Our Family Dentist in 76132
July 24, 2017
The health of your child’s smile is vital to ensuring that he develops and maintains his dental health over the years. In addition to brushing and flossing, regular care from your family dentist in 76132 is equally as important. However, sometimes this is not always easy because it is not uncommon for children to fear their appointments. By taking your child to the dentist for the first time from an early age, it helps to set the right foundation for a trusted relationship with our office to make going to the appointments fear-free. There are several things you can do to help your child feel relaxed and comfortable during his appointment.
Can My Cosmetic Dentist in Fort Worth Fix My Yellow Veneers?
May 25, 2017
The appearance of your teeth is vital to your self-esteem and how others view you. To get a beautiful, confident smile, you made the choice to use veneers. By attaching the thin shells to the front side of your teeth, you have drastically improved their look by hiding cosmetic flaws. However, now that some time has passed since you had them placed, you may have noticed they are losing their bright, white appearance. You do not want to once again become self-conscious because your veneers are turning yellow. To restore their color, your cosmetic dentist in Fort Worth, Dr. Renee Corbitt, can help.
Dental Treatment For Sleep Apnea In Fort Worth Ends Snoring
April 4, 2017
You love your spouse – funny and kind, smart and patient, you have a great partner. But there’s one aspect of your relationship that has become increasingly difficult – getting a good night’s sleep. Every night, you watch your loved one toss and turn as they snore loudly. This makes it impossible for you to get the rest you need, and you’re worried, too – the other night, your spouse actually stopped breathing in between the usual snoring. How can you both get the rest you deserve? With dental treatment for sleep apnea in Fort Worth from Renee Corbitt DDS, you can put an end to the loud nights of poor sleep.
Helpful Q & A’s for Picking a Family Dentist in Forth Worth
March 3, 2017
Whether you’ve just relocated your family for a new job or better opportunity, there are lots of things that you need to consider. Preparing your life away from home can be daunting, but your family’s healthcare should be one of the main priorities. One task that you cannot let fall between the cracks is finding a great dentist that has the experience, services, and location that you need. The worst scenario to be in is a dental emergency without a supportive office behind you. But wait! Before you choose a family dentist in Fort Worth on a whimsical google search, the office of Renee Corbitt, DDS wants you to ask yourself these quick questions.
Dentist in Fort Worth Discusses the Dangers of Sleep Apnea
February 15, 2017
Are you regularly accused of snoring so loudly at night that it keeps your bed partner awake? Do you ever find yourself exhausted by the afternoon? Do frequently find it hard to focus and concentrate on your daily tasks? Do you ever wake up with headaches? If you answered yes to any of these scenarios, did you know you might suffer from sleep apnea? Dr. Renee Corbitt, your dentist in Fort Worth, discusses the dangers of sleep apnea.
Your Smile Makeover in Fort Worth
January 14, 2017
Have you decided it’s time for a change this year? Are ready for that next new relationship, whether it’s personal or professional? Is 2017 the year you finally achieve your goals? Did you know that Dr. Renee Corbitt can help you reach your 2017 dreams?
How can my dentist help me reach my goals, you might be asking? The answer is that a beautiful smile gives you confidence, and when you have confidence, you can get things done! Cosmetic dentistry offers many options for helping you achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of, and here you can learn more about a smile makeover in Fort Worth.