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Renee Corbitt's Blog

Fun in the Sun: How Solar Rays Are Good for Your Smile

July 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — renee @ 3:26 pm
Woman celebrates in the sun.

The sun rules the summer. When people think of the hotter months, they think of barbeques, beaches, pools, and boardwalks bathed in the light of this star nearest to Earth. While sunscreen and SPF lip balm are essential to have a good time outdoors, a little exposure to solar rays can have real health benefits for the whole body. Along with regular exams and cleanings, it can do wonders for a healthy smile. Read on to learn about how the sun can help keep your smile reflecting its rays to everyone around you.


3 Reasons to Kick Off Summer with a Dental Checkup

June 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — renee @ 4:49 pm

Summertime is finally upon us, and you and your family might have several exciting trips and activities planned! But before you get too caught up in your fun festivities, one thing you should consider doing is visiting your dentist for a routine checkup—this visit might make the difference between your summer being fun or a total bummer! Here are three significant reasons you shouldn’t wait to visit your dentist before kicking off your summer vacation.


Should I Be Worried About Getting a Dry Socket?

May 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — renee @ 7:25 am
a man with oral pain

If you’ve had a tooth extracted recently, you were probably given a list of guidelines to follow to ensure that your recovery process goes smoothly. There are many reasons you should want to follow these instructions, and among them is preventing dry sockets. But what does this issue entail and how can it be avoided—and more so, should you be worried about it? Here’s what your dentist wants you to know.


How Long Does TMJ Therapy Usually Take?

March 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — renee @ 9:58 pm
a patient undergoing TMJ therapy

Your temporomandibular joints (TMJ) are quite important—they’re responsible for maintaining your jaw’s functionality and integrity, as well as its connection to the rest of your head. This means that when problems arise, it’s in your best interest to seek professional care; the issue will not go away on its own. Here’s a closer look at some of the various types of TMJ therapy that are available and what you can expect if you’re undergoing this type of treatment.


Your Dental Crown Fell Out? Here are Your Next Steps!

February 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — renee @ 4:11 am
a person showing their lost dental crown

You may be enjoying a lovely dinner or a movie at your local theater when something completely unexpected happens. As you bite down on your steak or popcorn, you feel something loose in your mouth. You realize it’s your dental crown! While these restorations typically last about 15 to 20 years with the proper care, accidents can still happen and cause damage to them. However, it’s a perfectly solvable situation! Read on to learn four tips on what to do to get back to your complete smile.


Is Salt Good for Your Smile?

December 16, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — renee @ 2:17 am

Hands holding saltYour body requires a small amount of sodium to function at its best; however, too much of a good thing can increase your risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 500,000 deaths annually are related to high blood pressure. Reducing sodium intake can prevent thousands of deaths, but can less salt harm your dental health? Although too much sodium can be bad for your body, salt can lead to better dental health. Here’s how it can impact your smile without harming your health.


Solutions to Treat 4 Common Cosmetic Dental Flaws

November 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — renee @ 11:54 pm

Happy woman with an attractive smilePeople with attractive teeth are viewed as younger, confident, and successful. Unfortunately, not everyone likes the way their teeth look. If you’re embarrassed by discolored, broken, or missing teeth, you aren’t alone, but you don’t have to live with the insecurities any longer. Your cosmetic dentist can turn the smile of your dreams into reality. Here’s how they can fix 4 common dental flaws to create the stunning smile you desire.


Why Your Smile Doesn’t Have to Be Scary This Halloween

October 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — renee @ 1:13 pm
Mom with three kids in Halloween costumes eating candy

Halloween is always full of spooky sights, from vampires to goblins, witches to warlocks. However, as a holiday associated with sugary treats, Halloween can also be a frightening time for your children’s oral health. Eating lots of sugar can increase the risk of tooth decay. Fortunately, with a little planning, it is possible to navigate the fall festivities while maintaining a healthy smile. Keep reading below for some Halloween advice from a Ft. Worth dentist.  


Can an Untreated Tooth Infection Kill You?

September 20, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — renee @ 5:30 pm
person holding cheek in pain

If you’ve ever had a toothache, you know how much harder it can make things. Eating, sleeping, working, and just making it through your day can be daunting tasks when your tooth is in constant pain. There are a variety of different things that can cause a toothache, such as dental procedures, trauma to the tooth, cavities, gum disease, or a cracked tooth. Though not all causes of toothaches are that bad, tooth infections can be bad news for your overall health. Read on to learn about how a tooth infection can be harmful, signs that you have one, and how to prevent it.


What to Do for a Lost Dental Filling

August 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — renee @ 6:06 pm
A patient with a lost dental filling

If you’ve had a cavity or two in the past, then you know what dental fillings are. Specifically, they’re composite materials that fill a damaged tooth’s interior space. However, did you know dental fillings can fail over time? Indeed, they can fall out of your mouth in the right circumstances. When that happens, fixing the problem depends on following the proper steps. To learn more, here’s a summary of five things you should do for a lost dental filling.

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