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Renee Corbitt's Blog

What are patients saying about Dr. Corbitt and our office?

November 15, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 12:51 pm

Last week, we asked you, our wonderful patients, what you most liked about your experience at Dr. Corbitt’s office. Well, we received some pretty great reviews, and thought we’d share a few with you today. Please feel free to contribute your own thoughts about our office on our Google page! We love getting patient testimonials!

Amicable, intelligent and very professional. She stays and keeps staff current with new technology.” ~ Terry R.

Dr. Corbitt is cool and she is concerned about me and son’s health. She is very verbal about our health and I like that. She is easy to talk to and she makes you feel very comfortable when visiting her office. Her staff is extremely nice and helpful.” ~ Charlotte S.

Shows genuine concern for me and my dental health.” ~ Caldean L.

Very friendly staff, thorough, caring, and informative.” ~ Anna N.

Dr. Corbitt is extremely detail oriented, and considerate of the individual. She gives me a great deal of attention and I know that the professional advice that she gives me is always in my best interest.” ~ D. Foster

What do you love about our office?

November 9, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:03 pm

As a patient of Dr. Renee Corbitt, you can expect to receive the highest-quality of comprehensive dental care in a professional and friendly environment. Your dental health is important to your overall health, and we are committed to helping you achieve a beautiful, healthy smile for life!

From your very first visit to our convenient Fort Worth office, we strive to provide superior dental treatment in a pleasant, friendly atmosphere. We thought we’d ask you, our wonderful patients: Have you been especially impressed by Dr. Corbitt’s work? Did our staff go out of their way to make your day? Are you in love with your smile?

Whether you’ve just come in for a single appointment or your family has been visiting our office for years, we’d love to hear your feedback. Or, you can tell us by posting on our Facebook page! Or, you my share your thoughts on our Google listing!

We hope to share a few testimonials of yours next week!

Thank you in advance,
Dr. Corbitt and team

November is here! But first, how was Halloween?

November 1, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:50 pm

Would you believe it’s already November? Believe it or not, we’re almost in full holiday mode! But before we forget about the spooky month that was, we’d like to know how you celebrated Halloween! What did you wear? How much candy did you get? Did you have fun?

If you have any photos or videos that you would like to share with us, please send them our way or feel free to post them on our Facebook page! We hope you all had a happy and safe Halloween! Also, what are you up to this month? Anything exciting happening in your life? If so, we’d love to hear all about it.

Also, have you been in for a dental checkup lately? Dr. Corbitt and staff would like to give those patients with flex spend, health savings, or insurance benefits a friendly end of the year reminder that it’s about that time to schedule your dental visit so you can optimize your benefits!

Lastly, we hope everyone got enough candy over the weekend! Remember, though: All those sweet, sour and sticky candies may taste great, but these treats are known to damage teeth! Did you know sour candies can be acidic to your teeth, and actually wear down the enamel that protects them? This can cause tooth decay and cavities! Sour and fruity candy, such as Starburst and Skittles, are the worst for your teeth since these candies have a low pH value, which can ruin enamel.

See you soon!

Dr. Corbitt & team support the Joey Cushman 5K and Fun Run!

October 26, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 3:27 pm

Dr. Corbitt and team wholeheartedly support the Joey Cushman 5K and Fun Run, now in its seventh year.

Come honor Joey Cushman, a former Arlington Police Officer who was killed in a training exercise on June 7, 2001. Joey had been a patient/friend of mine since he was a really young teenager and had grown into an amazing young man. I miss Joey a ton! He had been Arlington’s Rookie of the Year and had been promoted to Corporal several days before he died in the line of duty. The Joey Cushman 5k was started by Arlington Police Department to keep Joey’s memory alive, and benefits Special Olympic of Texas, one of Joey’s favorite charities.

Dr. Corbitt and team encourage you to sign up for the Joey Cushman 5K and Fun Run! This year’s event will be held at the River Legacy Parks in Arlington on Sat., Nov. 6 at 8:30 a.m. We hope to see you there!

October is National Dental Hygiene Month!

October 22, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 10:06 am

October is almost over, but not before Dr. Corbitt and our staff remind all our patients that October is National Dental Hygiene Month!

Your teeth are an important part of your body, and keeping them clean helps keep your mouth and your body healthy. By taking care of your teeth, eating a balanced diet and visiting our convenient Fort Worth office on a regular basis, you can have healthy teeth and an attractive smile throughout your entire life.

We encourage you to check out the official National Dental Hygiene Month website, which provides pointers on keeping your mouth clean and healthy. Lastly, has it been six months since your last visit to Renee Corbitt DDS? If the answer is yes, we encourage you to give us a call at (817) 294-8821 to set up an appointment.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Welcome to Our Blog!

October 11, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 1:55 pm

Thank you for taking the time to visit our blog. Please check back often for weekly updates on fun and exciting events happening at our office, important and interesting information about the dental industry, and the latest news about our practice.

Feel free to leave a comment or question for our doctor and staff – we hope this will be a valuable resource for our patients, their families, and friends!

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