Photo courtesy: Star-Telegram 2011
Good afternoon,
I hope everyone survived last week and are happy to see drier roads again. Since we may get more bad weather this week, I wanted to review our office “bad weather” policy.
Our general policy is to follow the FWISD schedule. If they close we would most likely be closed, if they are on a delay so would we. We post if the office is open, closed or delayed on our Facebook Wall page. You do not have to like Facebook or have a Facebook account nor do you have to login at all. A Facebook business page is treated like any other website page, everyone can access it. This information is in real time and can be very helpful.
Here’s the link to our Facebook page. I will start calling patients early any morning there is a change in the schedule. I would also send emails & text info for those patients on that day as well. If you have any questions, as always please contact the emergency number that morning.
Thank you,
Dr. Renee Corbitt